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QMUL Life Sciences Conference: Population Health in a Post Genomic Era

Its been a long time since I've sat through a lecture, let alone a science lesson, but this week I got the gig of being lead photographer at the QMUL Life Sciences conference. This meant that I had the opportunity to take in some fascinating presentations from leading academics in the field, while capturing all the excitement with my camera, literally bringing Life Sciences to life. (My personal favourite was the talk from Tim Spector on the role of microbes in our poo and his research on twins.)

It was great to be part of this new initiative, especially as I was also involved in the original launch back in 2013. The inter-disciplinary nature of life sciences means that it is accessible even to someone like me, who doesn't have a scientific background. So I'm looking forward to seeing how the project evolves both at QMUL and in the wider world. If this weeks presentations were anything to go by, life sciences certainly has an interesting and exciting future ahead.

You can find the full set of photos from the event here:

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